
UX Designer? UI Engineer? Full Stack Engineer? Web Master? All of the above? Hard to say these days...

This is my personal blog where I write about tech, share some of my work on various projects, and spend a lot of e experimenting with web technologies.

© i-Martini 2023

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the way we approach problem-solving, and coding is no exception. AI-powered tools have made the process of coding faster, more efficient, and more intuitive. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most popular AI tools for coding and computer programming.

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Search engines are a fundamental component to many web applications as they allow users to quickly and painlessly traverse the countless rows in large databases. The idea itself is simple enough, however, creating even a simple search engine can be challenging; because users will rarely type a query that exactly corresponds to a record in the database, a method of returning all releva…

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You see a lot of front end demos of pagination on CodePen, but that's only half the work in implementing paginated content on a dynamic website. This post is supposed to be the other half. If you're looking for pagination, I presume you have a bunch of rows in a MySQL database, and you want to split the content into more managable chunks by pulling down only some of the content. While there are …

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Writing safe and robust SQL queries with PDO is already pretty easy; you just need to prepare statements with placeholders and then execute those statements. However, the process can be streamlined a bit by packing the procedures into a function. In the code block below, I first connect to an example database, then create the function called sql, which takes three arguments: the database connectio…

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Sending an email with PHP isn't too difficult, but gets messy if you try to stuff everything into mail(). So the function below attempts to streamline the process by doing the annoying stuff — like setting the headers — and asks only for the relevant information. <?php function sendmail($to, $name, $email, $subject, $message) { // From form $name = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES…

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PayPal Payments is an easy and free way to install a shopping cart on your site. All you need to do is set up a form (the shopping cart) that sends information to PayPal and catch all the information from that order with an IPN script. An IPN will notfiy you when an order was placed, along with all the details of that order—it is your choice with what to do with that information. For simplicity,…

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I recently needed to filter divs by their class when people pressed the appropriate button. At first I took a look at plugins like Isotope and MixItUp, but they bring in thousands of lines of unwanted code and layout features that are useless to me. So, this is my definitive and lightweight way of sorting divs by their class: First is the HTML. It's just a group of buttons with ids which will po…

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Every project needs a .htaccess and just about every project uses the same one. For the future reference of myself and others, below is my classic .htaccess scheme. RewriteEngine On # Remove www. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.+)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^ http://%1%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] </IfModule> # Expires caching (Ca…

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Free Credit Score

One of the largest credit bureaus in the United States. I participated in the development of the full mobile application as well as the full featured desktop website.

freecreditscore.com is owned and operated by Experian, the leading provider of online credit report and scores.

Experian is a global leader in providing information, analytical tools and marketing services to organizations and consumers to help manage the risk and reward of commercial and financial decisions. Using our comprehensive understanding of individuals, markets and economies, we help organizations find, develop and manage customer relationships to make their businesses more profitable.

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